PRESENTATIONS (link-www.nothingconcrete.in)
- Key speaker on 'Vernacular Architecture' at World Architecture Day 1997 celebrations at S.V.
College of Architecture, Hyderabad. Gave a slide presentation and lecture on spontaneous folk building traditions of India.
- Was invited to talk on 'Natural Architecture' at the Alliance Francaise, Hyderabad, 1997.
- Was invited to present paper on Post Independence Public Architecture of South India at the
Southern Regional Conference of Indian Institute of Architects at Mysore in May 1998. Gave a visual presentation titled 'Changing Veneers of Hyderabadi Architecture' which decoded the hidden meanings in the facades of our public buildings.
- Delivered special lecture on the 'Design Process- Where to begin, When to end" at Inside
Outside Mega Show 2004 at Hyderabad.
- Was invited as a speaker in workshop on "Emerging Urbanisms" at the School of Planning and
Architecture, New Delhi, Aug 2004. Spoke on 'Changing Veneers of Hyderabadi Architecture- Sasur se Daamad TaK' — a run thru on how the political leadership and values transforms the visual fabric of the city.
- 'Rocks of Hyderabad' — prepared presentation for Save Rocks Society Aug 2004
- "Visual impacts and Perceptions" — presentation for architecture academics as part of Duality Improvement Programme at JNTU School of Planning and Architecture, May 2005.
- Talk on "10 questions for your Architect" at the Indian Institute of Architects Exhibition at Hyderabad August 2005.
- Was invited to present a paper on 'Globalisation and Architecture' at the Southern Regional
Conference of Indian Institute of Architecture, Bangalore, March 2006. Spoke on 'Who is afraid of Globalisation?'
- "Taking it Easy" — topic of presentation on detail designs in built environment delivered at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad organized by Uaabilitymatters.org. Nov 2006
- "Indians in their Public Space" - made a presentation on this sub5ect at German Centre,
Hyderabad in Nov 2007.
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